Cosmetic Dentistry

Modern cosmetic dentistry at The Dentist Gallery virtually allows you to choose your own smile! Using the latest and greatest in dental tools and techniques, and an undeniable eye for artistry, our specialists can help you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of, regardless of how problematic you feel your current smile may be.

Whatever your desires in cosmetic dentistry, our team has the experience and qualifications to meet your needs.

There’s no reason to live the rest of your life with a smile you’re not happy with. Call us, at The Dentist Gallery, and schedule your cosmetic dentistry consultation with our specialists today. You really can have the smile of your dreams! Here, you’ll find a wide range of cosmetic dental procedures available to you, including:

Teeth Whitening

Unfortunately, dulling and staining of the teeth is a natural process that happens with age. The things we eat, our lifestyle habits, and sometimes dental trauma can all cause our teeth to lose their lustre and shine. Thankfully, we don’t have to live with the damaging effects age has on our smiles.

We can provide you with custom-made whitening trays to use in the comfort of your own home at a time to suit you and we show you how to use them with special whitening gel. The trays are a little like mouth guards with a small reservoir for the whitening gel in front of each tooth. Your at-home trays can also be used for touch-ups and maintenance at home. You will need two appointments – first to take the impression of your teeth, and the second appointment to pick up the trays with the whitening kit.

In a few short weeks, you’ll have a smile up to eight shades whiter and brighter.

If you are interested in having your teeth whitened, please give our dental practice a call on 020 3744 0904 to find out more.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers offer a great way to hide tooth blemishes, creating a smile that is beautiful and confident in appearance. Porcelain veneers can transform virtually any flawed smile into a work of art worth grinning about!

Porcelain veneers are thin shells of ceramic porcelain that are bonded to the fronts of the teeth to cover imperfections. Veneers can be used to hide chipped, cracked, stained, misaligned, or poorly shaped teeth. The ceramic porcelain material of a veneer is extremely durable and virtually stain-free, providing a long-term solution that looks completely natural in appearance.

We collaborate with a highly talented ceramist who fabricates porcelain veneers for our patients. Together, they produce outstanding porcelain veneers that boost the beauty and confidence of our guests.

There’s no reason to put up with tooth blemishes that keep you from smiling with full confidence and beauty. At The Dentist Gallery we will take care to ensure that the colour of your veneers matches your other teeth and that they are shaped appropriately and fitted accurately to create an attractive natural looking smile.

All our full ceramic crowns and veneers are hand made in France. Our dental technician there is not only a craftsman but a true artist.

For further information about veneers or the other treatments available to enhance your smile, please telephone our practice on 020 3744 0904.